Zelda: Having A Lively Time Of It

zelda-balletThis is the season of Zelda. On stage, on screen, on catwalks. You know, Zelda Fitzgerald. The gal who once said, “To be young and beautiful for a long time. That’s what I want.” As this article elaborates, “And that’s what she got. The Montgomery, Alabama, native died on March 10, 1948, in a fire at a North Carolina mental hospital when she was relatively young — 48 — if not perfectly beautiful. She outlived her famous husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, by eight years. “Zelda’s singular,” says Maureen Mueller, the actress-singer playing her in This Side of Paradise, a new off-Broadway musical about the Fitzgeralds, beginning April 14 at the Theatre at St. Clements in New York. I suspect that Keira Knightley, who’s playing Zelda in the upcoming film, “The Beautiful and the Damned,” would agree.

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