“Glee” Creator: Boycott Newsweek

Ryan-Murphy-Glee_400I’m a big fan of “Glee” co-creator Ryan Murphy, who has called for a boycott against Newsweek after the magazine published an article arguing that gay actors can’t play straight. The Newsweek article was a fount of stupidity, but I’m not sure it warrants a full-scale boycott. In just the past week, I’ve read ignorance-laden opinion pieces in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post: should we boycott all of them too? (On the other hand, ever since the New York Post published a cartoon implying that Obama was a monkey I’ve stopped buying that rag.) As for the Newsweek editorial, Kristin Chenoweth has already done a pretty admirable job of calling it out. Let’s leave it at that.

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