“Inception” A Hit, But Problematic

inception-box-office_320“Inception,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, may have won the weekend box office, but nobody I know who saw it actually liked it. What I’ve been hearing is mostly “engineering marvel,” “technologically impressive,” but “emotionally unengaging” and “completely overcooked.” One thing’s for sure: best to see “Inception” on the big screen.

One Comment to ““Inception” A Hit, But Problematic”

  1. Here’s two people who liked INCEPTION. It was mind blowing and a thrilling puzzle from the first frame to the last. Thank goodness for an adult, complex, intriguing thriller. Can’t wait to go back and catch up on all that we lost in the first viewing. There is so much to absorb that the mind can’t take it all in with one visit. This is the one great film to come out this Summer.

    by Thom Thomas on July 19th, 2010 at 5:00 pm

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