Carol Channing: A Response
Paul Brogan, a friend of Carol Channing, responded to my posting earlier today about Channing’s appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show: ‘Carol hardly qualifies as a Conservative because she appeared, after being invited, on Sean’s program. I personally know Carol and her husband Harry [Kullijian] and that label would hardly be right for either of them. Carol and Harry came to NH in 2007 and 2008 to help me raise money for AIDS and are very good friends of my partner and me. Carol felt the Hannity Show would be one forum to reach a different audience with her foundation’s goal to keep the arts in education. She also has made recent appearances on Wendy Williams, The View, with female impersonator Richard Skipper and last year on Kathy Griffin. At 89 Carol is more passionate than ever about human rights.’
Why is it that when someone says they are Christian or dares to speak with a conservative reporter, they are immediately deemed horribly the same? Im a homosexual Christian and consider myself a very liberal conservative. My partner and I have known Carol (Channing) and her husband Harry (Kullijian) for many years and, in fact, they offered their home for our wedding. I hardly think this qualifies as a overly conservative individual who isn’t supportive of human rights. There are enough antagonists out there to direct your anger at without attacking our supporters.