“Lights Out” Keeps Me Watching

holtMV5BMTYzOTI4MzEwMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzA4MDcyNA@@._V1._SY317_CR11,0,214,317_I can’t say I’ve followed the F/X series “Lights Out,” about a former heavyweight boxer, as religiously as, say, “The Wire” or “The Sopranos,” but I can say that the episodes I have caught have been well-directed and well-acted. The star is Holt McCallany (pictured), whose real-life mother is cabaret artist Julie Wilson. Critics are also praising the program, including Tim Goodman, who puts “Lights Out” at the top of his latest power rankings. [Update: F/X has just cancelled the series.]

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