Your Weekend: LW Recommends
Movies: All the reviewers piling on poor Roland Emmerich for his Shakespeare-fraud movie, “Anonymous,” almost make me want to see it. More seriously, I need to catch up to “Margin Call.” Television: In honor of Halloween, I’ll probably check out “The Walking Dead.” And hope that “The Good Wife” can right its ridiculousness. Music: Kelly Clarkson has a new CD. Which has sent me back to the superior older Kelly Clarkson CDs. Books: I’m almost finished with Robert Hughes’ new guide to the imperial capital, “Rome.” Very lively, though some historians bemoan its factual errors. Sports: Game 6: once again the most exciting night of the World Series. How can Game 7 compare? Then it’s back to football, football, and more football. Finally: My Halloween inspiration is Melissa McCarthy (pictured) as Divine. Don’t go as Nicki Minaj: you’ll be just like everyone else.