Members Sue Met Museum Over Admission

Two members of the Metropolitan Museum of Art have sued the museum, contending that it misleads the public into thinking that its admission fees – $25 for adults, and less for seniors and students – are mandatory and not simply suggested. Signs above the museum’s admissions desks include the word “Recommended” in small type below the word “Admission.” Of course, the vast majority of visitors believe that full price is required — and they pay it. I agree that the museum doesn’t want the public to know that the full fee is optional: a lot of revenue is at stake. At the same time, I’ve personally tested the policy two or three times: I’ve gone up to the cashier, said I could only pay five or ten dollars, and had no problem. A museum spokesman, Harold Holzer, says the suit is “entirely frivolous.” I don’t agree, but I also believe that the policy, if challenged, is fairly enforced.

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