Monday Morning Round-Up

Movies: Variety says “The Lone Ranger” is “extravagant but exhausting.” That sounds about right. Television: The “True Blood” story lines are getting tiresome, and it’s only Week 3. Music: Chris Brown kicked off last night’s BET Awards broadcast, which meant that I had already changed the channel after two minutes. Celebrity: Paula Deen is vilified for using racist slurs, but Alec Baldwin gets only a slap on the wrist for using homophobic insults. Double standard for a “liberal” New Yorker? Music: Jay-z’s new song features Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell, and Timbaland. That’s all? Stupidity: Jennifer Lopez performs for the brutal dictator of Turkmenistan, and blames this misstep on her staff. No, honey, it’s your greed!


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