Perfect Pussy Rocks The World

No, the rock group Perfect Pussy is not the American cousin to Pussy Riot, though their raw licks do resemble those of the Russian group slightly. Pitchfork explains: ‘Perfect Pussy’s “I have lost all desire for feeling” exists as an honest-to-goodness demo tape, the kind of anachronistic detail that makes you want to develop a “They came out of nowhere!” narrative — but the truth is that they come from nowhere’s outer reaches in Syracuse, NY, made up of former members from Shoppers and SSWAMPZZ. The two minutes of “I” filter the life & death stakes of an early Japandroids song, Ponytail’s incomprehensible exuberance, and Life Without Buildings’ frantic phonetics through no-fi murk, which requires an energy you can’t even think about possessing.’

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