Your Weekend: A Selective Guide

Movies: “RoboCop” may be the action movie to see, but I’d rather catch the fanciful “Winter’s Tale,” based on the Mark Helprin novel. Online: You don’t have Netflix? Then you are missing out on the new season of “House of Cards.” Television: On Friday, catch the gala broadcast of the Royal National Theatre’s 50th anniversary, featuring every living British star with an Oscar. I don’t think “Looking” has gotten much better, but others disagree. Music: The Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles are cleaning up with their Bach recording. Why am I listening to the hard-core rock of Slayer these days? Books: Edmund White has emitted “Inside a Pearl“: another book about Paris. He’s written about the Paris capital — beautifully — almost as often as Balzac. Sports: I’ve still not watched the Winter Olympics, and I’m vowing to stay strong until the end. Finally: You don’t have to be be anti-romantic to find Valentine’s Day silly, over-commercial, and inauthentic.

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