Boys’ Brains Digitally Rewired By Porn?

Video games and pornography are causing a crisis of masculinity in young men, according to a leading psychologist. Psychologist and professor emeritus at Stanford University Phillip Zimbardo has made the warnings, which form a major part of his latest book, “Man (Dis)Connected.” In an interview on the BBC World Service’s Weekend programme, Zimbardo spoke about the results of his study, an in-depth look into the lives of 20,000 young men and their relationships with video games and pornography. He said: “Our focus is on young men who play video games to excess, and do it in social isolation – they are alone in their room.” “Now, with freely available pornography, which is unique in history, they are combining playing video games, and as a break, watching on average, two hours of pornography a week.”

Zimbardo says there is a “crisis” amongst young men, a high number of whom are experiencing a “new form of addiction” to excessive use of pornography and video games.

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