Even If You’re Sick Of Royal Weddings…

…read this anyway. Anthony Lane both celebrates and skewers the weekend’s nuptials. ‘Well, that was fun. A good time was had by all. In the words of one well-placed source, “the ceremony was over very quickly, in about fifteen minutes. Then everyone hit the dance floor. It seemed they all just wanted to party.” No, wait. Hang on, that was Meghan Markle’s first wedding, held in 2011, in Jamaica. Then came her second wedding, at the end of last month, when, in the guise of Rachel Zane, she married Mike Ross, formerly a fake lawyer, as the seventh season of “Suits” drew to a close. (“We’re getting married, and it can be as small as possible, with just our close friends, O.K.?,” Rachel once said.) Given that he had proposed to her in the fourth season, the wait had been a long one. Mike was played by Patrick J. Adams, who greeted the announcement of Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry with a pained lament: “She said she was just going out to get some milk.”’

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