Movies: “Captain Marvel” is getting pummeled by critics, but they have mostly good things about the star, Brie Larson. TV/Streaming: I’ve finally succumbed to “Shtisel,” the Netflix series about orthodox Jews. Much to my surprise — there’s no sex or drugs — I find it absorbing. Music: My two favorite opera singers among those I’ve been privileged enough to see in performance are both of Greek heritage: Teresa Stratas and Tatiana Troyanos. The only opera the two women did together was “Cavalleria Rusticana.” Books: Two superb new volumes about the French philosopher Denis Diderot: “Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely” and “Diderot & Catherine.” Sports: My Premier League football team is Arsenal, and they’ve been much improved this season. Credit in part the coach Unai Emery. Finally: April is not the cruelest month; March is. Winter has worn out its welcome.