Your Weekend: A Selective Guide

Movies: “Uncharted,” with Tom Holland, looks too video-gamey for my tastes, but it’s gotten decent reviews…I saw “Dog,” which marks Channing Tatum’s return to pictures, and I enjoyed it…TV/Streaming: HBO’s “The Gilded Age” has gotten slightly more engaging, but not enough to banish comparisons with “Downton Abbey”…I may resume watching “Billions” on Showtime, now that the Damien Lewis character has been jettisoned…Music: Why do I listen to so much orchestral music? Because it makes me forget covid, inflation, and American politics…Books: Have you pre-ordered Prince Harry’s memoir yet? I’m sure the prose will be of Nobel quality. (lol)…Sports: I’ve managed to avoid watching the Winter Olympics entirely except for Nathan Chen’s beautiful final skate. And guess what: I missed nothing!

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