Is It Possible To Defend Mel?

mel-gibsonJust when some Hollywood Jews were starting to chill down a little from Mel Gibson’s 2006 anti-Semitic tirade, now he’ll have to spend years persuading African-Americans that he didn’t really mean it when he used the N-word in a rant against his former girlfriend. All of these things reveal someone with demons much greater than mere “anger management issues.” While I abhor Gibson’s sentiments, I have to ask: how many of us have ever lost our tempers and regretted what we said later on? I felt the same way when a Kim Basinger loyalist sent out the tape of Alec Baldwin yelling at his daughter. It was horrible, but every one of my friends with adolescent children admitted to losing it at some point at something rude one of their kids did. To stay contained forever is inhuman. But I repeat: I’m not excusing Mel!

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