Better News For Private Manning?

The Pentagon has confirmed that WikiLeaks suspect Army Pvt. Bradley Manning — you know, the guy that President Obama outrageously pre-judged by saying he “broke the law” — is being held at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas among other inmates awaiting military trial. Amnesty International came to Manning’s aid, requesting that he be moved when it was revealed he was was being mistreated in maximum-security solitary confinement in Quantico, Virginia. He was confined to his cell for 23 hours a day and allegedly forced to sleep naked. The move also implies that Manning is no longer on suicide watch, which is one of the reasons why he was originally in solitary confinement, though his lawyer has complained that psychiatrists who visited him at Quantico never deemed him suicidal. Reporters were allowed to see his new quarters and were told that in the future Manning will detained be with roughly 10 prisoners, all of whom are awaiting trial. The Associated Press said Manning will have his own cell, will wear standard prison clothing, and will be allowed to move freely in the prison’s communal area, except overnight.

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