Why The Royals Are Everywhere

The Daily Beast tells us: ‘It seems only a few short months ago that the papers were full of stories decrying the laziness of the young royals. Will, in particular, came in for much abuse after it was revealed that he works just 20 hours per week in his job as a helicopter rescue pilot. But this dizzying blur of activity is occurring not as a response to, or to see off, that spate of unwelcome stories. Rather, it is part of a long held royal tradition that royal activity steadily ramps up as one approaches the first week of June, when the royal accounts are traditionally published and the Republicans get their big moment to attack the Royals as the cost of maintaining the institution of Monarchy is revealed.’ This public-relations agenda seems logical to me. All the same, I wish the monarchy would be abolished at the death of the Queen, whom I revere.

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