Your Weekend: A Selective Guide

Movies: Your kids will love “Aladdin” but you might find it frenetic…Can’t wait to see “Booksmart,” about a couple of experienced-starved smart teen girls. TV/Streaming: Megan Hilty goes “Live from Lincoln Center” on PBS on Friday…Memorial Day is a wasteland in terms of new streaming content, so I’ll probably binge on some Inspector Morse. Music: When I see all the baby boomer pablum on the top of the Amazon charts I want to listen to gangsta rap and speed metal. Or Mado Robin hitting Bb over high C. Books: I generally devour George Packer’s new books, but I have no interest in diplomat Richard Holbrooke, the subject of Packer’s latest tome. Sports: It’s all about the Indy 500 this weekend, plus some NBA: I’m sorry about Toronto clawing back into the series because I can’t stand their biggest fan Drake patrolling the sidelines. Finally: Remember what Memorial Day is about — the brave men and women who’ve served in our forces.

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