“Dark Knight”: Is It Republican Propaganda?

According to a Wall Street Journal commentary, “The Dark Knight Rises” is a movie that delights … Read more »

Your Weekend: LemonWade Recommends

Movies: If you’ve gotten shut out of the “Dark Knight” screenings this weekend (and a lot … Read more »

“Dark Knight” Massacre: Eeriest Part

This is the eeriest line I’ve read about reports of the awful shooting in Colorado at … Read more »

“Dark Knight”: The Lines Just Got Longer

As the reviews of this week’s “The Dark Knight Rises” trickle online, it becomes apparent that … Read more »

The Worst Movie Idea Of The Day: Catwoman

Didn’t Hollywood see what happened when Catwoman got a full-fledged feature starring then-hot Halle Berry? No … Read more »

“Dark Knight Rises” Wows Fanboys

The 40 to 50 people who saw a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in the … Read more »

“Spider-Man” Weaves Quite A Web

A lot of people thought that the new “Spider-Man” movie would just be a warm-up to … Read more »