Obamas’ Culture: Too Narrow?

beyonce-obama-largeThe Obamas have been wonderful supporters of culture since they moved into the White House. While they have made sure that their musical evenings (the White House cultural events have tended to favor music) reflect a variety of genres, it does seem as if the focus has been on African-American artists and art forms: Stevie Wonder, jazz, etc. And when the Obamas have cultural evenings outside the White House, the focus, again, is on African-American artists: “Joe Turner’s Come and Gone” on Broadway, Beyonce (photo here shows Mrs. Obama and her children at one of Bey’s concerts this week). Given the narrow cultural interests of the President’s predecessor, George W. Bush, I am not criticizing the Obamas cultural choices thus far. I am, however, asking whether they couldn’t use their high profile to shine light on a wider variety of artists. America’s a diverse place, and it would be helpful if the First Family kept that in mind.

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